Central residential ventilation

Axial fans, centrifugal fans, blowers and the like – our solutions ensure controlled residential ventilation. 

Solutions for central ventilation systems

A quiet atmosphere and good air quality are crucial to the well-being, health and productivity of all of us – not only in our homes, but also at work, at school, in supermarkets and when visiting the doctor.

A central ventilation system is used in these places to exchange air throughout the building using a central unit, with the air routed through a piping system into the various rooms, ranging from simple supply and exhaust units to solutions with integrated heat recovery and combined with a heat pump.

For this purpose, we develop intelligent and tailored solutions. We manufacture the actual heart of a system and can offer you the appropriate fan unit for this. We continue to set new standards here, particularly in terms of increasing service life, reducing energy consumption, lowering noise emissions, and utilizing all the options offered by modern, integrated electronics.

Below we will show you application examples for fans from ebm‑papst.

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Download our brochure and more information and take your ventilation system to a new standard.

Broschüre Wohnraumlüftung

Rooftop system

The warm, "stale" exhaust air from kitchens and bathrooms is routed out of the building via a central duct through the roof. A ventilation unit is connected to this exhaust air duct. The heat from the exhaust air is fed back to the supply air via a heat exchanger. Preferably installed on flat roofs, a rooftop solution does not consume any space in the building. However, it must meet more stringent requirements for weather resistance.

Zentrales Lüftungssystem mit Wärmerückgewinnung

Central ventilation system with heat recovery

This solution is often installed in equipment rooms next to other equipment, usually in a basement or under the roof, and allows the ventilation system to be easily and efficiently integrated into the existing heating and domestic water treatment system. One centrifugal fan conveys the supply air and one conveys the exhaust air via a heat exchanger, which preheats the cold outside air using the warm, stale exhaust air. This means that the intake air is at a pleasant temperature when supplied to the rooms.


Zentrale Wohnhauslüftung - Whole House Fan

Central residential ventilation - whole house fan

Ventilation fans distributed throughout a house or apartment ensure that the air is completely exchanged every 3-4 minutes. This creates a noticeably healthier living environment. At the same time, the ventilation system keeps temperatures comfortable throughout the entire living area and can reduce the cost of air conditioners by 50-90%.

Zentrale Wohnraumentlüftung - Lüftungsbox

Central residential ventilation - ventilation box

The ventilation box is used to ventilate and extract air from various rooms with high requirements in terms of noise level. It is installed in the attic and the individual rooms are controlled by pipes. The fan’s compact design also enables installation in restricted spaces such as in suspended ceilings.

Wohnungslüftung kombiniert mit Wärmepumpe

Residential ventilation, combined with a heat pump

The air/water heat pump uses outside air to heat the inside of the building. Heat pumps are suitable for universal use. They can be installed both in gardens and in basements. In combination with a ventilation system, heating and ventilation are housed in a single device including heat recovery.

Future-proof and sustainable

Taking responsibility for people and the environment is an integral part of our corporate philosophy. That is why we develop durable products designed for maximum environmental compatibility and produce them using processes that conserve resources.

Better air. Better life.
Creating a healthy environment for better comfort and productivity with indoor air quality.

The urbanharbor project – climate-neutral district thanks to smart ventilation

The 200,000-square-meter urbanharbor in Ludwigsburg provides a dedicated ecosystem comprising startups from around the region, restaurants, retail and entertainment venues.

The vision behind it is to be the first productive urban quarter in Europe to operate on a climate-neutral basis by 2030.