Previously, sales activities were concentrated primarily on classic OEM applications. A sales network has now been set up as an additional market access for smaller and medium-sized consumers. This offers proximity to the customer, because direct contact partners are provided on location in each of the five defined sales regions. “In this way we can better establish and develop long-term customer relations. Fast reaction times and short paths are important to us. We guarantee fitness for transport in 48 hours, from one unit, for preferences established in the standard program”, says Sales Manager Patrick Christleven. Using the ebm-papst construction kit principle, the customer can configure his drive system in a power range from 13 - 750 Watts. The base module motor can be set up with other components like transmission, electronics, brakes and accelerator in a complete drive solution. ebm-papst Industrial Drive Engineering - highly efficient quality products from one source. For more information www.ebmpapst.com/industrialdrivetechnology