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ebm‑papst A&NZ is proud to announce that our operations and our people are now completely carbon neutral!

Our Operations

ebm‑papst A&NZ has engaged Pangolin Associates, an independent third-party emissions consultant, to perform a carbon emissions assessment of our operations. Their assessment includes the emissions produced by our Australian and New Zealand operations, up-stream transportation, and manufacturing processes.

  • We are committed to measuring and publishing the carbon footprint of all our operations.
  • We fully embrace the challenge of transparency and accountability, and we encourage other individuals and businesses to do the same.


ebm‑papst A&NZ is committed to making continuous environmental improvements through informed and incremental changes, not just with our current but also with future operations. Our ambitions are not always easy to implement, and sometimes are not possible, but understanding our carbon footprint allows us to strive to be better.

We believe the environment deserves the right to a seat in the boardroom. When making decisions, our focus is to achieve sustainable and environmental outcomes, as well as commercial imperatives. It is our desire to continue to look for ways to improve and strive to implement these actions into our business.

As stated by founder, Herr Sturm: “Each new product must surpass its predecessor economically and ecologically.”

Our operations need to be better for the environment. Introducing sustainable and environmentally conscious operations helps others reduce impact. By introducing formal measurement, we create awareness that inspires us to make consequential improvements and we encourage our employees to reflect this philosophy in their own spheres of influence.


Our people and our operations are 100% offset so that our operations come to you 100% carbon neutral. We measure our carbon footprint on an annual basis and purchase carbon credits to offset all our generated emissions.

Our carbon credits support the 210 MW Musi Hydro Power Plant Project in the Bengkulu region in Sumatra, Indonesia. Sumatra, Indonesia’s largest island, is home to fertile soil that is ideal for growing commodities such as coffee. Despite this, new economic opportunities are limited by rudimentary infrastructure and poor electricity access – and growing energy demands threaten Sumatra’s unique natural ecosystems. As part of one of the most prominent coffee producing regions in the world, Sumatra is an area relied heavily upon by our industry.

This grid-connected run-of-river hydroelectricity plant is built on the upper banks of the Musi River near Sumatra’s port city of Bengkulu. By harnessing the kinetic energy of the powerful running water, the Musi river hydroplane has a total-installed capacity of 210 MW and delivers over 765,000 MWh to Sumatra’s grid every year - that’s enough to meet the demands of over 700,000 Indonesians on average each year. This project addresses issues in rural Sumatra such as poor electricity access and the lack of quality employment opportunities – as well as fostering sustainable economic development.

The Musi River Hydro plant has created quality jobs and upskilling opportunities for locals in what has been traditionally a farming community. A portion of project revenue is reinvested in the local community to build an orphanage, construct new roads, bridges, and traditional marketplace – giving the local farmers better access to their rice paddies and the opportunity to pursue additional income. A reforestation program has also been established in the surrounding catchment area to safeguard the natural landscape.

As a Climate Responsible company, we are pleased to offset our Carbon Footprint through the purchase of Carbon Credit offsets using Pangolin Associates, an Australian Climate Active registered consultant.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does carbon neutral mean?

In essence, ‘carbon neutral’ means the net carbon equivalent emissions of a product, business or individual are reduced to zero. For operations to be considered carbon neutral, action must be taken to measure, reduce and offset the carbon dioxide emitted.

Why go carbon neutral?

We accept the problem, we recognise the science, and we are doing everything we can to minimize our impact on global warming and climate change.

We believe that it is all our individual and collective responsibilities as humans, businesses and governments to act against global warming and climate change. We should never underestimate, on an individual level, how we can contribute to making change.

The mission to promote climate-smart lived environments and lead the way as a climate responsible company is at the core of our business. An important aspect of this is taking responsibility for our carbon footprint. This is why we have gone carbon neutral.

What is carbon offsetting?

Carbon offsetting involves supporting carbon-negative initiatives that neutralise greenhouse gas emissions from other actions to achieve net carbon neutrality. For example, for every tonne of CO2 emitted by an individual, carbon offsetting would ensure that there is one less tonne in the atmosphere.

Where do you get the carbon offset credits?

We work with Pangolin Associates who provide access to certified projects.

What are your goals as a company in relation to offsetting carbon emissions?

Our overarching goal is to reduce our climate footprint as much as possible, by examining every single step and seeing where we can improve both our practices and the practices of businesses that we partner with. Where we can’t reduce, we offset.