Decentralized ventilation units

Specific rooms can be efficiently ventilated using warm exhaust air.

Waste heat put to good use

Decentralized ventilation units are fitted in separate rooms and are controlled individually. They collect the thermal energy in the exhaust air using a heat accumulator or heat exchanger and use it to control the temperature of the fresh outside air. The air flow is conveyed by highly efficient ebm-papst fans.


The advantages of fans from ebm-papst in decentralized ventilation units:

  • Excellent air performance with a medium pressure increase
  • High efficiency
  • Substantial noise reduction
  • Operation with constant air flow
Produktbild RadiCal


The latest generation of RadiCal EC centrifugal fans is more efficient, more powerful, and quieter than ever before – with the same compact installation dimensions.

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Produktbild RadiCal

RadiCal DC

The SMARTe solution – efficient and robust

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centrifugal compactfans

Centrifugal fans

In many sizes and configuration levels.

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RadiCal Spiralgehäuse

RadiCal in scroll housing

Ready-to-install centrifugal fan with integrated volume flow control for domestic ventilation.

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Centrifugal blowers

Low noise levels and a relatively low air flow with a high static pressure increase and a space-saving design. 

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The future of refrigeration systems, air conditioning systems and building services

Switching from conventional AC motors to highly efficient EC technology in refrigeration, air conditioning and building systems reaps benefits for the environment and saves money whilst also increasing comfort. Power consumption can also be reduced by around 40 %.

Better air. Better life.
Creating a healthy environment for better comfort and productivity with indoor air quality.