The specialist in the food service sector

The RadiPac with a license to clean!

The new specialist when it comes to a pollution-free environment Developed and designed to meet all special requirements:

RadiPac animation
  • The motor must not lie directly in the path of air flows bearing particulate
  • The incoming air must be free of contaminants
  • It must be easily accessible and easy to clean

Read all the details

Two brochures entitled “Maximize performance even with sizes 630 and 710? Yes! AxiBlade – your ebm-papst solution”

Brochure with technical details on the product:

  • Characteristic curve map
  • Dimensions
  • Performance data 

A special suit for the specialist – the motor enclosure


The VDI 2052 and EN 16282 guidelines stipulate that the motor must not be placed directly in the path of air flows bearing particulate. This ensures that greasy or oily deposits do not affect the motor.

Our solution for this:

A tailored suit for the motor – the motor enclosure. The fan is cooled by a hose that draws in cool ambient air. This cooling ensures that the fan and the control unit can reach their full output.

Would you like more information?
Our specialists would be happy to get in touch with you.