The agenda included 34 lectures by experts on a wide range of topics concerning ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration. The main topics on June 20 and 21 were ventilation technology for residential buildings, connectivity to the Internet of Things and data center retrofits. The energy-related optimization of existing ventilation systems and industrial and commercial ventilation technology were the special focus. The presentations on June 22 were devoted to innovative refrigeration. Dr. Bruno Lindl, Managing Director of Research and Development at the ebm-papst Group, explained: "We initiated the Forum to present and discuss new requirements and products along the entire value chain, including benefits for end customers. The theme ‘Think interconnection. Design the future.’ is as much a prerequisite as it is a call for innovation and progress." After the event, Lindl drew the following conclusion: "Listening, reflecting and acting is an excellent strategy for the future. The technological challenges we must overcome in the near future are energy efficiency in current consumption, operation with as little noise as possible, needs-compatible closed-loop control and connectivity." The meaningful and practical exchange of information and ideas is traditionally the Innovation Forum’s main purpose. It features a mixture of external and independent experts, product innovations from ebm-papst and stimulating discussions. The participants greatly appreciated the opportunity to find out more about the technologies presented and have personal exchanges with experts. ebm-papst hosts the Innovation Forum every two years and this year’s was the sixth in the series. A tour of the new logistics center in Hollenbach rounded out Innovation Forum 2017.