EC-Control Version 3.60 download
EC-Control is PC software for direct digital control of ebm-papst EC fans, drives and controllers. It allows visualization and parameterization of both ebmBUS and MODBUS fan motors in individual equipment and in entire facilities.
EC-Control especially facilitates the following activities:
- Parameter setting including operating mode, set value and control parameters
- Fan-motor addressing
- Parameter readout including actual speed, serial number, production date and error
- Scaling for properties of an external sensor
- Reading current failure status as well as failure history
- Configure master and slave fan motors
- Monitoring facilities including the option to report failures via e-mail
- Monitoring of ebmBUS motors simultaneously with MODBUS fan motors (requires at least two interface converters)
- Graphical recording of actual values (data logger)
- Graphical user interface in these languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese (simplified) and Chinese (traditional)