ebm‑papst is committed to responsible corporate governance. Therefore, compliance with laws, regulations and internal policies is of the greatest importance at ebm‑papst. Dealing with weaknesses and errors openly helps in the early identification of necessary steps and measures to avert damage to the reputation and assets of ebm‑papst, its employees and business partners.
The web-based and certified whistleblower system EQS Integrityline is available to all employees and business partners of the ebm‑papst Group as well as any other person around the clock and regardless of location to report compliance violations of legal requirements and internal organizational rules. Furthermore, this system makes it possible to draw attention to human rights and environmental risks as well as violations of human rights or environmental obligations that have arisen as a result of ebm‑papst's economic activities in its own business area, our business partners activities or our suppliers activities in the supply chains.
You can submit your report anonymously or by providing your contact information. As we seek open communication, we would like to encourage you to state your name when making a report. In any case, we will treat your information as strictly confidential and take into account the legitimate interests of all parties involved. No costs are incurred at any time for the transmission of complaints and information.
You can submit a report here:
Incident Reporting System*: https://ebmpapst.integrityline.app
*Please note that the call of the link may be tracked.
To avoid this, please copy the Internet address and paste it into your browser.
On the homepage you will find information about submitting and handling reports.
We would also like to inform you about the external reporting offices provided by the federal government. The central external reporting office of the Federal Office of Justice can be found at BfJ - Hinweisgeberstelle*. In addition, the external reporting office of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (to the reporting system)* and the external reporting office of the Bundeskartellamt (to the reporting system)* are also available. A detailed breakdown of the responsibilities of the reporting offices can also be found on the homepage of the Federal Office of Justice.