Heat pumps

Heat pumps absorb energy from their surroundings and then feed it into the heating or service water system.

Modern heating
with renewable energies

Today's heating systems demand ideas based on renewable energies, which is why heat pumps are becoming ever more popular. There is high demand for efficient, quiet-running products that are suitable for indoor and outdoor use and whose output can be adapted to the prevailing conditions.

Heat pumps

The advantages of fans from ebm-papst in heat pumps:

  • Great efficiency thanks to EC technology and an integrated diffuser
  • Up to 10 per cent increase in air performance, coupled with 3 dB(A) noise reduction
  • Speed adjustment provides a high degree of flexibility
  • Perfectly coordinated individual components enable simple plug & play
Axialfan diffuser

Axial fans with integrated diffuser

Speed adjustment allows great flexibility, ensuring that your heat pump operates efficiently without disturbing anyone in the vicinity.

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Produktbild RadiCal


The latest generation of RadiCal EC centrifugal fans is more efficient, more powerful, and quieter than ever before – with the same compact installation dimensions.

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AxiBlade fan in housing, slight lateral view, with reflection


The new, revolutionary fan concept gets top marks for its efficiency and noise levels.

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AxiBlade fan with central, green cirlcle, frontal view, with reflection


The energy-efficient AxiCool range, now for industrial applications as well.

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Would you like more information?
Our air conditioning specialists would be happy to get in touch.

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