Great performance
in a small space
Wood pellet and wood chip heating systems pose a challenge when it comes to creating an economical and robust design that provides the required air flow in all operating states and irrespective of the heating output. This requires intake and exhaust fans that are coordinated to the heating systems’ different power classes and requires warm air to be distributed where the pellet ovens are installed. The ovens have limited space inside them, which is another continuous challenge.
We strive to achieve the optimum size, power and cost efficiency in every application. Our highly compact fans provide the best conditions for this.

The advantages of fans from ebm-papst in solid-fuel heating technology:
- Suitable for use in intake and exhaust air and for distribution of warm air
- Low noise emissions
- Cost-effective operation
- Robust and compact design
- Fan impellers that are adapted to the special requirements of biomass boilers