Focus on safety and well-being
At ebm‑papst, the health and well-being of our employees is our top priority. We promote physical and mental health through preventive measures, safe workplaces, and comprehensive health programs. Whether you’re a young apprentice or an older colleague, and whether you work in the office or in production – our ergonomic workplace design, stress prevention, and individual advisory services ensure that employees feel well looked after in every aspect of their professional lives.

Our workforce in figures
A total of 13,800 dedicated people work at ebm‑papst locations around the world. The chart provides a detailed overview of the key figures for our employees, broken down by region, age, and gender.
Promoting gender equality is an important part of our corporate strategy. We are using a number of targeted initiatives and programs as we work to increase the proportion of women in certain areas and management positions.

Learning from life at work
We are committed to creating a good atmosphere in our interactions – both with others and among our fellow colleagues. To achieve this, we are constantly evolving in terms of ourselves, our working environment, and the way we work together. At ebm‑papst, wecall this “Better Working,” “Better Teams,” and “Better Future.”
This is why training at ebm‑papst goes far beyond the traditional “cramming” and focuses on the practical application of knowledge. For example, our trainees and students can take part in various practical projects and initiatives, helping to shape the future of the company from the moment they walk in the door.
As “Energy Scouts,” our young trainees independently take on projects that aim to reduce energy consumption in the company and thus not only reduce energy costs, but also make an active contribution to protecting the environment. What began at ebm‑papst in Mulfingen has developed into a successful nationwide model, with over 10,000 trainees in Germany and 700 more across Europe now trained as Energy Scouts.
As part of the “Future Heroes” initiative, trainees and students at ebm‑papst implement selected projects relating to their day-to-day work. Examples of this include our appearances at the HANNOVER MESSE 2023 and the Climate Protection Day 2024. The Future Heroes took responsibility for planning, organizing, and implementing all the measures for these events on their own.

Teenagers and young adults start their apprenticeship at ebm-papst every year
“Sustainability also means supporting and challenging employees. Everyone should get the chance to realize their full potential. An important part of this is maintaining physical and emotional health. I am particularly keen to support women in the many roles they play at our company.”