We have hit the nail on the head with GreenTech, illustrating our philosophy, effort and achievements in environmental protection. GreenTech’s benefits come together from the moment our products are created to when they are used: bringing everything full circle, as we are convinced that we will build another, even more eco-friendly and cost-effective product in the near future.
GreenTech is based on a firm principle.
The GreenTech philosophy reflects a simple but clear approach that is based on our corporate philosophy: “Each new product must surpass its predecessor economically and ecologically.”
And this is not always an easy task if you have over 14,500 different products in your product range. Nevertheless, our colleagues around the world have been thinking and acting according to this principle for decades – even before ecology became a buzzword for all generations. With their expertise, dedication and a wealth of inventions, they set new standards year after year with increasingly powerful and efficient motors and fans that constantly raise the bar, sometimes by a long shot.
GreenTech is proactive development.
Sustainability is a matter of course for us when developing new products and technologies. Even in the design phase, we optimize our materials and processes to ensure that our products are as environmentally compatible and recyclable as possible and have an optimum energy footprint. While we make constant improvements to our motor technology, electronics and aerodynamics, we also reduce energy consumption.
For example, our S-Force high-performance fans eclipse all of our competitors in terms of air performance and efficiency and would not exist without a perfectly designed combination of motor technology, aerodynamics and intelligent electronics. Our highly efficient HyBlade® fans are also based on breakthrough research. A new hybrid design was the only way that we could combine the stability of high-strength aluminum with the lightness and malleability of plastic.
GreenTech is eco-friendly production.
GreenTech also stands for intelligent economics with maximum energy efficiency in the production process. This all starts with our shuttle bus service, which we have been providing since the 1960s. It brings our employees to work from the spacious Hohenlohe district. This is not only convenient, but also saves countless liters of fuel every day. Furthermore, when we procure company vehicles, we don’t primarily focus on the vehicle’s engine performance or mere cost-effectiveness, we concentrate on achieving the lowest possible CO2 emissions. And that applies to the entire ebm-papst Group. But our production plants themselves are even more important. Here, we are setting new standards with smart energy management solutions and state-of-the-art building technology.
Our Hollenbach site, completed in 2007, is an impressive example, designed for maximum energy efficiency from the very first plan. One of the most important points about the highly technical location is that it generates its own energy using a photovoltaic system and has a sophisticated system for ventilation, cooling and using waste heat from the 13,000 square meter space.
GreenTech is recognized and award-winning.
Our commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly products being appreciated in public shows us that we are on the right track. Ultimately, GreenTech’s effectiveness is measurable. For example, it satisfies the most stringent limit values for energy-powered products passed by the EU to date. These planned limit values will not come into force until 2015, but our GreenTech EC fans already go even further.
We are also delighted that our entire production chain always stands up to the scrutiny of environmental specialists. Awards such as
- the German Sustainability Award
- the Environmental Prize and Environmental Technology Award of the state of Baden-Württemberg
- the Energy Efficiency Award from dena (the German Energy Agency)
- the Cooling Industry Award
- the iF material award and
- the Elektra Innovation Award
clearly show that we can live up to our high standards.
GreenTech is a good investment for our customers.
The heart of GreenTech is ebm-papst’s extremely energy-efficient GreenTech EC technology, which is where the first direct customer benefit emerges: If less energy is consumed, electricity costs are also reduced. But that's just the beginning, as GreenTech EC technology also means that motors and fans can be controlled and regulated, meaning that they can also respond flexibly to the actual power requirements. And that makes a big difference, as nothing is more economical than a device that switches off when it is not needed.
Brushless commutation is a bonus emerging from the electronics. This allows our GreenTech EC motors and fans to operate with no wear, run much more quietly, maintain their performance levels and also have a much longer service life. Therefore, not only can our customers reduce their electricity bill every day, they can also benefit from longer maintenance intervals, allowing them to make further cost savings on parts and labor.
All the advantages of GreenTech EC technology from ebm-papst at a glance!
GreenTech EC – the technology that combines the best technologies

Intelligent ventilation and drive technology solutions that make people happy
Our promise:
With GreenIntelligence, we give customers a competitive edge in the context of IoT and the digital transformation. Our intelligent technologies and services boost the potential yield of customer applications, improve planning and operating reliability and deliver major cost and resource savings. Both our customers and our customer’s customers benefit from this – and, of course, so does the environment as well.